EXPERTS IN INHERITANCES, WILLS, SUCCESSIONS AND HEREDITARY PROBLEMS. Faced with a situation as difficult as the death of a loved one, what we could least want is to face a complex bureaucratic process aimed at processing the inheritance. Given our experience, Andreu & Alenda Abogados we try that the processing of inheritances, both of citizens ... Read more »
Month: March 2020
National inheritance rules vary considerably from one Member State to another (for example, who inherits, what are the hereditary portions, the legitimate ones and the reserves, how wide is the freedom to test, how is the hereditary flow to be administered, how wide it is the responsibility of the heirs for debts, etc.). Thus,… Read more »
The inheritance and gift tax is the one that obliges the citizen to pay taxes for receiving an inheritance or a donation. The autonomous communities are responsible for its management, which means that receiving an inheritance has very different economic consequences for the heirs depending on where in Spain we are ... Read more »
Mortgage debt moratorium due to the COVID-19 crisis
At Andreu & Alenda Abogados we want to inform you of one of the main novelties of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures to face the economic and social impact of COVID-19, which provides for a moratorium on the payment of mortgage payments for particularly vulnerable groups. Who can… Read more »
The self-employed and the crisis of COVID-19

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization elevated the public health emergency situation caused by Covid-19 to an international pandemic. The rapid evolution of events, at the national and international levels, has required the adoption of immediate and effective regulatory measures to deal with ... Read more »
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